Saturday, February 5, 2022

Is this cat a demon...?

Whatever that is in his head, it looks a little sus doesn't it;

He definitely exhibited some evilesque traits that I outlined in my previous post, because yes, this is the same cat--Aslan.

Given his tendency to extend a swipe towards anyone who had the audacity to point a camera at him, I thought it would be safer to take his picture without him noticing, but he appears to have eyes in the back of his head...and a mouth...with teeth...eek...

Let's take a closer look at that creepy demon-like entity swirling about in his noggin;

Could, of course, just be a modern interpretation of Mr Munch's famous picture--The Scream With Teeth.

But, on closer inspection, now I can see another smaller face in the teeth of the larger face...a double demon...? Two for the price of one..?

But that's enough demon talk for one post. Let's shift the conversation away from all things evil, and take a moment to admire his spectacular tail!

Is this cat a demon...?

Whatever that is in his head, it looks a little sus doesn't it; He definitely exhibited some evilesque traits that I outlined in my...